One-Leg Wrister

Here is a cool trick to help you score on those long wrist shots. If you play online, Im sure you have had someone attempt this shot on you. Its a pretty high percentage shot if you are in the right location. It should definitely be added to your arsenal of shots, but some people take this a little too far and setup their whole offesive strategy around this shot. Its good, but there are easier and more rewarding ways to score, so just keep that in mind. The reason this shot works so well is because it gets the goalie moving in the opposite direction of where the puck is going. The goalies for the most part follow the skater's movements and not the puck. This shot only works on the players forehand side. Your player needs to be moving in the opposite direction of your forehand, so if your player is right handed, skate across the middle from right to left. At the same time, deke the puck out to your forehand side, drag it back, then shoot a wrister aiming it just inside the post. If you do it right, your player will stretch to his forehand side and his back leg will come off the ice. You need that extra stretch to get it past the goalie. You should be watching the goalie as youre setting up this shot, and when he moves with you and leaves a little gap between him and the post, then let er rip.


  1. I'm pretty sure that's called the curve shot. One of the cheese goals that people on the forums complain about. Although, if you know it's always coming it should be easy to defend against. Had one guy use Boston who was ranked 1000 and that's the only thing he tried to do all game. Boring if you ask me. Just my two cents...feel free to disagree.

  2. In addition, just a suggestion...if you can you should do one on defending cheese goals (wrap around cheap goals, wrap around slapper, etc.) Proper strategy and stuff. Cheers! :)

  3. The "curve shot" was defined in NHL 08 and fixed for NHL 09. Check out this video and you will realize why they called it the curve shot. It is pretty much the same setup, but the puck doesnt change directions in midair. I feel that people should be aware of this shot but its nothing to build an offense around.

  4. Thanks for the clarification. I also agree with your last statement.

  5. I have found that this works best when shooting around a defender (or through his legs). If the d-Man plays you soft and backs into the zone, dangle the puck out to your forehand and try to line it up so the shot passes to the side of the dman or through his open legs. The goalie gets screened and will usually go down to his knees, leaving the whole top of the net open.

    This is also easy to defend. Any contact with the puck carrier usually makes the puck slide right off his stick. Also, if you encounter people online who do this 100% of the time, manual goalie works real well. When they enter the zone and start to do the toe drag wrister set up, take control of your goalie and keep him dead center in the middle of the net. It wont ever go in.

    PSN: maximus4480

  6. Oh it works plenty.. If I wanted to I could score five goals a game automatic with that shot..

  7. great u showed sh*t kids how to score an easy goal that was genius

  8. This is so easy to defend against though, it's not exploitable. You shouldn't lose to the "s*it kids" if you just pay attention.
    Besides, this is a legit goal there's nothing wrong with it. It's quite easy to figure out as well.
    Kudos to the poster, keep up the good work. :D
