The One -Two Deke

So you just connected that long pass and youre on a breakaway. Its just you and the goalie, and the defense is nipping at your heels. You have a few seconds to make a decision. What you need is a reliable, easy move that will get you that goal. The first breakaway goal move that proved to be successful for me was what I call the One-Two Deke. Technically its pretty easy, the hard part is in the timing. The stick movement is straight left, straight right, (or straight right, straight left if you prefer) then quarter circle up to shoot. The timing is going to take practice. Do this right infront of the goalie and you have a pretty high percentage goal shot. Too early and you wont fool the goalie. Too late and your shooting past the goal. Practice this in Practice Mode 1 on 0 until you get this down. This will be a good go to move when you get that breakaway opportunity.

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